A librarian at the counter
They went to the counter when they got down to the first floor. The counter was the right height for Chii to talk to the librarian.
Even for lower grade elementary school students, it was low enough for them to talk over without standing on their tiptoes.
Library data was available from the computer at the end of the counter. There were Braille block tiles in front of the counter as well.
Taku tried to locate the starting point of the Braille block line just by following it with his eyes. It seemed that it started at the entrance door. He decided to take a good look on the way out.
"Hello, Chii", the librarian called out to Chii.
"Hello," she added, smiling at the bright-eyed Taku.
"You are not with your mother today, but I see you brought a friend along."
"He is my cousin, Taku. We went upstairs together. This is his first to visit this library."
"What do you think of this place, Taku?"
"I just came along with her, but I found lots of new things. There are many differences between this library and the one near my home".
He could not find the words he wanted to say.
" What I mean is, I want to visit this place again."
" I am glad to hear that, " she said smiling. "You are welcome anytime."
Taku just grinned. He was a bit embarrassed at her kindness.
"Taku, It's about time to go."
They headed toward the entrance.