The Playground at the parkAfter saying good bye to Sanae, they went to the playground at a local park. The park was filled with the laughter of children and their families. Young and old people alike too were at the park taking walks, talking on benches, or looking at the flowers. Seeing a slide, Taku started running in that direction."Huh? Taku ran off without me." Chii pushed her wheelchair by herself, heading for the slide, too. This park was a barrier-free park. That means no narrow gates or big bumps so that those with wheelchairs can go around without any trouble. After sliding down the slide, Taku apologized. His face was a bit red. ''Chii, I'm sorry, but the top of this slide is cool …like a fort." He pointed upward. "Taku, I want to get on the swing and play. I'll race you there!" Chii pushed the wheels hard, and giggled because of her head start. Soon she and her wheels were whizzing over the ground, and the surprised Taku was trying to catch up. Barrier-freeBarrier-free means to eliminate barriers and the idea of it is to make everybody's life better by eliminating physical barriers,such as steps, for the disabled and seniors to walk around freely on their own.It is not truly barrier-free unless we eliminate mental barriers. What do you think mental barriers are? |