CHII & TAKU Inside the store Page 2
"Did you know that there is a dotted mark on the side of a shampoo container? A rinse container does not have one. It distinguishes the shampoo from the rinse. Look."
Chii took one of the shampoo containers and passed it to Taku. He compared it with a rinse container on the shelf.
"I didn't know that. But why are there marks on the containers? I don't understand," he said and leaned his head.
"Excuse me." said a voice. A man with a dog squeezed in between them. He grabbed a bottle of shampoo and quickly brushed a finger over the dot.
" Excuse me, again," he said and headed for the cashier with his dog. Taku seemed deep in thought as he watched the man and dog depart.
"That's it!" he shouted suddenly.
A few people in the store looked over at them. Chii turned a bit red, but Taku didn't notice. He was already explaining,
"This mark is for those people who are, well, blind and can't see that this is shampoo, and that is rinse. It's not easy to tell if both containers are the same shape. pretty good, huh?"
Taku was right, of course. But Chii did not think that was the only reason.
"Yes, but remember there are older people out shopping, too. Their eyesight sometimes gets worse as they age, so they could find use for the marks, too."
"You are right. These marks were for certain people at first, but in the end they are for everybody."
Distinction of Shampoo and Rinse Containers
The dotted marks on shampoo containers were developed by shampoo manufacturers, in cooperation with students of schools for the blind, at the request of some seniors who claimed that it was hard to distinguish between shampoo and rinse. Today, most manufacturers are marking the shampoo containers with these marks.